Sentinel Technologies

Personal Safety Solutions

MiSentinelSOS Smart Lone Worker Solutions

A technology-enabled lone worker safety solution designed to provide everyone with peace of mind.
We prioritise lone worker solutions that are simple to use and provide effective support. MiSentinelSOS lone worker app provides easy access from all digital device.

Our Solutions

Lone Worker App

MiSentinelSOS is a unique safety app designed to include the functionalities currently missing in the market but much needed by lone workers. This safety App can send SOS alarms, panic alerts, and instructions to monitor their surroundings.

Lone Worker Panic Button

Compatible and durable with all mobile devices. Our smart discreet button can sync and easily pair up with MiSentinelSOS app via Bluetooth. This small and portable light-weight device has the added advantage of performing its operations discreetly.

Customer Web Portal

MiSentinelSOS Portal analytical dashboard provides easy data accessibility to incident activity, incident alerts, personal data, 24-hour safety checks, active controllers and other statistics. Procedures will be handled by the client’s informative data dashboard.

Keep Your Lone Worker Secured!

We offer solutions that match your specific needs.
Find out what we can do for you.
What is a Lone Worker App?
A lone worker app is an application that can be downloaded on smartphones designed to protect employees working alone.
What does a Lone Worker App do?
The most basic function of a lone worker app is to raise an SOS alarm when the user needs help, for example if they’re in danger, suffer an injury or feel threatened.
How does a Lone Worker App work?
A lone worker app is linked with a 24/7 Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). When the SOS alarm button is pressed, an alert is raised in the ARC and audio communication is opened between the smartphone and the ARC Controller. You can also use a lone worker app to set timers for specific tasks and to check in/out of the working day.
How do I download the MiSentinelSOS app?
The MiSentinelSOS lone worker app is available to download from both the Apple Store and the Play Store. Before gaining access to the app’s features, your employer will need to have purchased a User ID and User Token.