Reporting solutions is a blessing addressing the huge challenges of Managed Service Providers, concerning custom reporting and gigantic data sets – usually provided by monitoring solutions. MSP’s require custom reports to match up each customer’s specific demands. Chiefly, when speaking about MSP’s – only a monitoring software cannot produce custom reports or third-party reporting devices very frequently. This in turn cannot integrate with MSPs’ monitoring software, leaving the option to manually consolidate reports created by numerous tools.
In such an event, Sentinel Technology’s reporting solutions can automate reporting on various sets, monitoring data for MSP’s large number of clienteles. Our reporting solution easily organize data in a systematic manner, bringing insightful reports and dashboards. This is truly very significant to demonstrate the efforts to protect and enhance the performance of customers’ distributed IT systems and networks. Reporting solution features on portal along with a smart dashboard and on-demand weekly and monthly reports. The portal serves as a “single-pane-of-glass” view for the whole infrastructure, including cloud services.
Great news is that the dashboard would showcase integrated performance and monitoring, security and availability status, real-time alerting as well as graphical performance reporting like no other!
Users can collect reports together and process it accordingly. The owners can get access control over data and reports being shared.
Users would have access to a wide range of reporting elements like pie charts, bar graphs, pivot tables as well as tabular view components.
Attract employees and investors because a dependable reporting software sooner or later aids in giving a competitive advantage.
Users can insert reports in websites, intranets & several other applications. Reports can also be exported to PDF, XLS and CVS formats, later to be emailed to MSP customers.